CNR 2016: Lectures: Petr Skála (CZE): The Astronomical Clock in Prague

Petr Skála is a Sculptor and Restorer of tower clocks, who in 1972 graduated from the College of Applied Arts in Prague at the Department of Applied sculpture. From 1972-1991 he worked as a freelance sculptor, and from 1991-to now a days restorer of tower clocks which is licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, and latest from 2009 to now, also Orloj, which is the Czech name for the Prague Astronomical Clock

Petr Skála has earlier made formations of figurative stone and metal, but also lighter genres, along with his colleague M. Kotrba, with who he during the 80s created many large sculptures of animals for children to play with, f.ex. at the Zoo of Usti nad Labem and other places.

Since 1991, he together with his wife Melanie Skálová restored more than 90 historic tower clocks (f.ex. the Clock of the Jewish Town Hall in Prague, the Clock of the Jesuit College in Kutna Hora, the Clock at the castle Dobrís Clock, the Clock of the Church of St. James the Elder in Citoliby, the Clock of Mesice near Prague Castle, the Clock Basilica of St. Wenceslaus in Stara Boleslav, and the Clock of Cathedral of St. Vitus and others).

He has published articles on the issue of restoration of the clock tower in the journal Monuments of Central Bohemia, and also made documentation and written articles about the history and problems of the Astronomical Clock and other ancient tower clocks in the Central Bohemia for the National Heritage Institute.



In Czech:
Skála Petr, ak. soch.
289 12 Sadská, Lázenská 481
Akademický sochar, restaurátor vezních hodin 1966-72 Vysoká skola umeleckoprumyslová Praha, obor Uzitá plastika;
1972-91 Svobodné povolání sochar, od 1991-dosud restaurátor vezních hodin s licencí Ministerstva kultury Ceské republiky, od 2009-dosud orlojník Prazského staromestského orloje, soudní znalec v oboru vezních hodin.

Venoval se tvorbe figurální z kamene i z kovu, ale také lehcím zánrum, spolu s kolegou M. Kotrbou vytvorili behem 80tých let mnoho velkých plastik zvírat urcených detem na hraní napr. v ZOO Ústí nad Labem i jinde.

Od roku 1991 restauroval s manzelkou Melanií Skálovou více nez 90 historických vezních hodin (napr. hodiny na Zidovské radnici v Praze, hodiny na Jezuitské koleji v Kutné Hore, hodiny na zámku Dobrís, hodiny v kostele svatého Jakuba starsího v Cítolibech, hodiny na zámku Mesice u Prahy, hodiny Baziliky svatého Václava ve Staré Boleslavi, hodiny na katedrále sv. Víta na Prazském hrade a jiné).

Publikacní cinnost- clánky o problematice restaurování vezních hodin v odborném casopise Památky stredních Cech, dokumentace dochovaných starých vezních hodin v rámci Stredních Cech pro Národní památkový ústav, clánky o historii a problematice Prazského orloje, prednásková cinnost.


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Cafe Neu Romance 2016:

Petr Skála

Petr Skála is a Sculptor and Restorer of Tower Clocks.

The Astronomical Clock in Prague
Petr Skála will present his lecture "The Astronomical Clock in Prague" at 7 - 8 pm on the 24 October 2016 at Galerie NTK, NTK in Prague.

Galerie NTK
Technická 6
CZ-160 80 Prague.
Czech Republic